05 Jul Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Invest In Chatbot Development For Your Business
All successful businesses have adopted technologies to stay competitive and connect with their customers. Earlier, it was the websites which connected brands with their global customers. After the wide spread of smartphones, mobile apps opened up new possibilities for businesses. We all know how quickly businesses adopted mobile apps as a technology to connect with their customers. Chatbot is the latest trend which businesses across the globe are catching up to. With the emergence of online businesses, customers are expecting instant responses and better experiences when they engage with your brand.
Chatbots delivers all these for the new generation of customers. Providing and interactive platform, delivering better customer experience, increasing your conversion rate and customer retention rate, minimising human labour, engaging with customers on their preferred social media platforms etc are all few among the numerous advantages that chatbots can bring to your business.
Let’s discuss some of the advantages of having a chatbot.
Few Reasons why you should sign up for a chatbot
Conversational chatbots are increasingly getting popular and most smartphone apps depend on chatbots to function. Here are the top 5 reasons why you should immediately consider a chatbot:
- You need an interactive marketing platform to sell your products online: Apps and websites often present a passive customer experience. On the contrary, chatbots can woo your customers using highly interactive marketing campaigns. Nuvento chatbots are available on Facebook Messenger and numerous other platforms including kik, slack, skype and this makes it easier for your business to reach out to more people.
- You want to scaleup your operations: Human agents have many limitations when it comes to handling numerous conversations. Chatbots are fed with data and trained with Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning to engage in numerous conversations and they mimic the human agent. Nuvento Chatbot solutions is a powerful tool to compliment your human agents, and your business can easily enter new markets without many constraints.
- You want to increase the efficiency of your customer support team: Customer service is one area where chatbots can contribute a lot. Chatbots can support your customer support team by acting as a single point of contact; chatbots can screen customer calls and divert them to human agents only when necessary.
- You want repeat sales by guiding the customers tactically: Your business might be having a range of similar products and your customers might be looking for help to choose the right product. For example, your e-commerce business sells shoes which look the same but are different in terms of brand, price and quality. Apart from this, customers are very conscious while purchasing expensive items like smartphones and other gadgets. Enterprise AI chatbots for e-commerce always guide the customers to choose the right product based on the budget and availability.
- You want to spruce up your brand image/business efficiency: Users always recall brands which speak to them; gone are the days when interaction to a customer used to be one-sided as we see in many websites. Chatbots can offer a highly interactive conversational platform which would considerably improve your business efficiency. Millennials prefer to compare products and they like live interactive sessions with chatbots. So, if you are targeting millennials, chatbots as your primary customer service agent would be a farsighted investment.
Make it simple with Azure Chatbot
Chatbot simulates human like conversations in a natural way. Chatbots ask questions to understand your user’s preferences and stores and processes this information to make the next interaction easier and faster. By this way chatbot can provide precise and customized service offerings to your users. Azure makes chatbot development quite simple. Azure chatbots get deployed easily unlike most web apps. Microsoft Bot Framework supports C# and Node.js languages for development and Python and Java. What makes it even more interesting is that, when your chatbot gets hosted in Azure Bot Service, it gets seamlessly integrated across multiple channels like Slack, Facebook, Skype and email. MBF emulator helps you to debug and test your chatbot. Continuous deployment is possible from Visual Studio to Azure.
How to make your customers loyal to your brand using a chatbot?
Nuvento Chatbots take your customer communication to the next level!
- Be available in your customers most preferred platforms. We can create chatbot for facebook and other popular social platforms so that customers does not have to necessarily visit your website. Users get habituated to a bot because it is synced across multiple platforms and talk the user’s language. The more you interact with the customers, the more loyal they become.
- Chatbots are trained to answer to multiple queries because they use Natural Language processing, NLP. Chatbots wont bug the user like a website or normal app where the user must go through a series of steps to get what they want. Chatbots provide relevant information in an intuitive way, which can lead to customer satisfaction and eventually gains loyalty.
- Chatbots deliver unique and delightful customer experiences: AI chatbots learn with each customer interaction and your brand earns a unique, positive and customer-centric brand image.
- Chatbots are constantly available and they can match to the growing customer expectations. For instance, in e-commerce customers expect quick delivery and even quicker responses from brands, this is one area where chatbots can meet or even exceed customer expectations.
Call Us today to know more on chatbot development.