07 Aug Security issues faced by developers while creating Enterprise Mobile Apps
Billions of mobile apps, numerous downloads per minute, this is the scenario today. There are more than 2 billion apps in the Apple App Store & 2.2 million in Google Play Store. Enterprise Mobile app security threats are increasing day by day. A hacker can destroy an entire enterprise using a simple unverified code which extracts sensitive enterprise/user information. Most of the enterprise apps store user information which can be bank card details and other transaction information or even biometric details which can reach the hackers in no time.
Since threats are on the rise like never before, mobile app developers are increasingly cautious in developing security systems within the mobile app framework which ensures secure data storage and usage. App developers look for vulnerabilities in apps and investigate to see if any phishing tools/malware is implanted in those apps. Customized Security Solutions are developed and deployed by Nuvento to reduce such security issues.
Few of the common Security Issues faced by Mobile App developers are as follows:
Using unverified third-party codes for app development
Most of the developers rely on readymade codes and easy frameworks which may not always be secure since these are already written by hackers. Picking up such codes in order to develop enterprise mobile apps can be dangerous in the sense hackers would get access to the entire information stored on such enterprise apps. If security testing is not completed before app release, users would be left at greater risk.
Cache storage and poor encryption
Mobiles and associated devices are highly susceptible to numerous security breaches. Hackers can easily access cached information stored in such devices. Mobile apps with systematic and automated clear cache tools can take care of this issue to a certain extent. Weakened encryption issues can be solved by secure encryption algorithms which prevent hackers from accessing sensitive information stored on devices and servers.
Inefficient software upgrades
Obsolete app software update issues can be very risky to the enterprise user because hackers can exploit the weaknesses of the app once it is launched. This can affect the app’s function. Timely upgrade and release of app software updates can solve this issue.
Mobile App security Issues can be broadly classified into these 3 categories:
1. Device-Based:
Mobiles are connected devices and information stored in the device can be compromised at the device level in many ways. Users download an insecure app which receives a lot of information stored on the device which can be stolen by hackers. This can be very dangerous since mobile devices connected through enterprise mobility contains huge amounts of sensitive data which when compromised can result in huge business losses. Outdated Operating Systems can make the devices even more vulnerable. Malware which gets sneaked into the device OS gets transferred to all connected enterprise devices including servers and cause havoc in the entire enterprise system. A dedicated and reliable Mobile Security App can trace out this malware and remove them before they cause severe damage.
2. Network-Based:
Mobile hardly works without a network! This anytime anywhere connectivity is what makes mobile attractive, but it has its own risks. When a mobile is connected to another device/network, the risk is higher if it is not secure enough. Many a time the device gets connected to an unknown network and data gets leaked without the knowledge of the user. Enterprise Wi-Fi network also is prone to hacker attacks. Unsecured public network connections are very risky indeed. Hackers often get hold of your IP and launch hideous attacks which can be even more dangerous. Network security measures are helpful in securing the enterprise network so that devices connected to it are secured and there would be lesser chances of data leakage through mobile apps.
3. User-Based:
Lack of passwords/user authentication in devices is a major cause of information leakage. Rooting the device gives hackers access to all the mobile apps and information stored in the devices. This gives the app “Admin” level access and any risky activity can be planned and executed. Stolen/lost devices are another high-risk area where it can be misused to break an enterprise network. Regular updates in mobile apps are the only escape route from all these issues.
Multi-layered Enterprise Security Solutions from Nuvento is capable of securing your Enterprise Mobile Apps. A lot many Android/iOS Mobile App Scanners are also available which gives security reports in a few minutes depending on the complexity of the attack. Most of these tools check your enterprise apps for malicious codes and even warns your customers whether to make/pick a phone call or send/respond to SMS/email to prevent sensitive data leakage. Regular preventive scanning is performed to ensure your enterprise apps are safe. They also perform static and dynamic security tests and provides an actionable report.
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